Friday, February 8, 2008


Had to reformat and decided to go Linux. Anyone out there using Linux and preferably Ubuntu? I have a couple questions and figure I'll have some more as time goes on. Initially I'm having trouble figuring out how to install gnash (linux version of Adobe/Macromedia Flash). For that matter, I can't seem to load anything through Firefox like I should be able to... maybe I just need a reboot.

[Update: Had to change some settings to allow the installation of 3rd party software, etc. Everything working pretty well now except my laptop doesn't like to "sleep" anymore. If anyone has suggestions on things to do with Ubuntu or Linux in general, let me know.]


~kristen said...

The nice thing about Ubuntu is that since it's the most popular free linux distro there's tons of websites dedicated to doing the simpliest thing to the hardest.
I've gathered a lot of links over the years and I don't know if they'll help you but here's a few that will cover some basics.

Basic Install Guide
Basic How-Tos

John O John said...

Very Nice. I have been able to play solitaire and check out YouTube videos, so I'm pretty much set.

Seriously, I like the cleanness of it so far, with nothing on the desktop and full customization ability. The application loader is pretty sweet, and there is a ton of stuff out there for it. I have been able to find answers to any questions on the Ubuntu forums so far, and wikipedia and other such sites have given me a good background on the whole Linux deal. Maybe I'll get into compiling/coding stuff eventually...

~kristen said...

I fell in love with the customization. If you have a computer that can handle it try installing beryl and emerald.
Here's a demo of what it looks like... so sexy. I miss my setup :(

Also this link is a great Q&A as to what linux really is all about. Everyone should read it actually :P