Saturday, June 9, 2007

Stupidest thing I have seen in awhile

Kristen and I were looking for some place to eat dinner. We are going down Sunrise Blvd and are at the front of the line at a stoplight. On our left pulls up this huge SUV pumping out obnoxious amounts of bass. Kristen looked over and made some comment about 'stereotypical cali'. The SUV driver either took offense to this or just wanted to drag.

Here is where the stuff gets a little goofy. The dumb ass put HIS car (custom sound not a rental) into neutral and floors it. It was the most horrible sound I have ever heard coming from an engine. Loud squealing and grinding that comes from over revving a car. Thanks to my lack of socialization as to what revving your car means I did not even realize it was a challenge.

Good fucking thing too. SUV takes off like a bat out of hell squealing his tires. I have hardly crossed the white line when a siren goes off and a cop not 2 cars back comes into my lane and pulls the SUV over.

I would be willing to bet there was more going on than just speeding so they probably are not out on the streets today. And who said not being properly socialized never paid off. I so could have beat them off the line too :P

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