Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Shameless Ron Paul Plug

I'm sure you all know by now that I support Ron Paul for President. Several of you responded with "who's he" when I've mentioned it so here's a little clip highlight some of his debate coverage along with a lot of quotes regarding his platform. You'll notice the quotes go back several years and aren't just things he's been saying over the last couple months to gather votes, they're simply what he always advocates and his voting record in congress back them up.

I'm totally open to other people's opinion and endorsement of other candidates so feel free to oppose this and put up some counter arguments. To find out more about Ron Paul visit Ron Paul's Official Campaign Site. Also you can find tons of grass roots endorsement videos on Youtube such as this awesome rap video:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How creativity is being strangled by the law

This is a TED Talk by Larry Lessig. Joe and I just saw him lecture here at UW with the topic "Is Google (2008) Microsoft (1998)?" Amazing lecturer. I love his way of presenting -- his fast, focused, yet not distracting from what he is saying. Everyone should add his blog to their rss feed.