Friday, February 29, 2008

Gotta love Hamburgers

Well I thought it was clever.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I hope you all keep your calendars clear - b/c next year we're going. Look at all the fun parties :(

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Myths in the Media

You would expect a noble news agency like BBC to be above posting stories about fables and fairytales, but I guess they have fallen to cheap tricks and fads in a feeble attempt to garner some of the youth audience... It's sad really.
BBC Promulgates Myth

However, this other story does pull together the essential fabrics of life itself to bring an honest tale of hope in a country of despair. Where BBC may have strayed above, they fully redeem themselves with a literary masterpiece.
BBC: Politics, Beer, Obamamania

And finally, games.
BBC: Xbox Live Homebrew Community Games

Friday, February 8, 2008


Had to reformat and decided to go Linux. Anyone out there using Linux and preferably Ubuntu? I have a couple questions and figure I'll have some more as time goes on. Initially I'm having trouble figuring out how to install gnash (linux version of Adobe/Macromedia Flash). For that matter, I can't seem to load anything through Firefox like I should be able to... maybe I just need a reboot.

[Update: Had to change some settings to allow the installation of 3rd party software, etc. Everything working pretty well now except my laptop doesn't like to "sleep" anymore. If anyone has suggestions on things to do with Ubuntu or Linux in general, let me know.]